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JAM Initiatives 

The spiritually enlightened regenerated beings arousing higher collective consciousness 

can only lay the foundation for Divine Race and thus the global peace.


Integral Health Program

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Health is not solely defined by the absence of disease or infirmity, but rather by the presence of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.


The deteriorating condition of the world can be traced back to the deteriorating mental state of its inhabitants, the humans. Therefore, the cure for the mind becomes a crucial solution for complete relief.


 Achieving 'Sarve Santu Niramaya' involves harmonizing the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual using  self-realization, ultimately promoting the overall well-being of society through integral health development.

Punaravartan - Araksha

Initiative for the Protection of Natural Resources.

Raising awareness among individuals about the interconnectedness and interdependence of life on our planet is crucial. Unfortunately, selfish decisions and uninformed actions have resulted in the disturbance of the earth's delicate system.


Fostering a mindset focused on sustainability is crucial in guiding society towards sustainable lifestyles. Once individuals prioritize sustainability in their thoughts, their decisions naturally lean towards environmentally-friendly choices and behaviors.

saving  planet earth through meditation.
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Become man and create a Divine race’.

The highest aim of life is to transcend all falsehood, all limitations and all narrowness in order to attain the vastness of Consciousness, the state in which one experiences divinity, purity, harmony, light, delight and truth. Then one has a new birth in which one is capable of manifesting the divinity within. This is how the divine population grows. And it is by the growth of the Divine population the humanity can have lasting solutions to all its problems.


Join in harmony as we sing of the Lord's glory as one.

Together, let us raise our voices in glorifying the Lord.

Join us in a harmonious chorus as we exalt the greatness of the Lord. 

Boy singing glory of lord with
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